Thursday, December 3, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #15

RJA #15a- Word Cloud

RJA #15b- Reflection on what you learned
In this class I have learned a lot about research. I have learned how to properly cite sources of my research in my papers, which I think is the biggest advantage of this class. That has always been difficult for me. I know how to properly use MLA style which I am sure I will need throughout my college education and will be helpful throughout my life as well. I am looking forward to someday being a teacher and this class has taught me so many things about properly researching a topic, finding credible sources, and documenting my references. It is also the longest paper I have ever written and it taught me that writing a long research paper has many benefits and I really learned a lot about writng as well as my topic in general.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #14- Annotated Bibliogrpahy, Part 2

Annotated Bibliography

Schiller, Pam.Seven Skills for School Success.Beltsville, MD:Gryphon House, Inc., 2009. 9-13, Print.
Pam Schiller, an expert on the early years of a child's life has written fourteen books all based on early childhood education. "Seven Skills for School Success" focuses on the seven skills, (confidence, curiosity, intentionality, self control, relating to others, communication, and cooperation) that promote child development and success and are crucial in the development of social and emotional intelligence. The author explains why these skills are important and how to achieve these skills for preschoolers such as why the seven skills matter, modeling them, and encouraging these skills.

McDevitt,T.M., Ormrod, J.E.(2007) Child Development and Education. Third Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Merrill/Prentice Hall.
Teresa McDevitt and Jeanne Ormrod are both psychologists who specialize in education and child development. The book focuses on promoting child development physically, academically, and socially as well as their cognitive development. They reflect on previous research based on how adults can influence the behaviors and development of children as well as what is most beneficial to the child in different circumstances.

Mamas Health. N.p., 2009. Web. 11 Nov 2009.
The Mamas Health website focuses on the benefits of preschool and uses research to enhance the opportunities preschool provides for child development. The primary goal of preschool is the development of academic and social skills, self-esteem, and building good character through the process. A preschool environment promotes these skills getting children out of the house and exposing them to different settings as well as a variety of people

Backer, Barbara . The Giant Encyclopedia of Preschool Activities for Four-Year-Olds. Beltsville,
MD: Gryphon House, 2004. 15. Print.
Barbara Backer is an early childhood consultant and taught preschool for 20 years. She has written for preschool teahers and parents of preschool children for the past 20 years. She has written 12 books. This encyclopedia has different activities for four year olds and why these activites help to shape the lives and education of young children.

Bowman, Barbara . "Early Learning More Accepted." Phi Delta Kappan 91.1 (2009): 1+. Academic Search Premiere. Web. 24 Sept. 2009.
Barbara Bowman is the chief officer of early childhood education for Chicago Public Schools. Bowman focuses on the expansion of universal preschool education in the last ten years and what factors contributed to the increase. She attributes to the reasons why preschool has expanded and the rising approval rating.

Dodge, Diane T., and Toni S. Bickart. Preschool for Parents. Washington: Teaching Strategies, 1998. 1-134. Print.
Diane T. Dodge has been in the early childhood education field for 35 years and has written over 20 books. She has a masters degree in early childhood education. Toni Bickart is a teacher and mento and holds workshops around the country for teachers and parents. The book focuses on the important aspects of preschool and what parents need to know about sending their children to preschool. The book also stresses the importance for parents to choose the best quality preschool where their children will receive the best education.

Gordon, Ann M., and Kathryn W. Browne. Beginnings and Beyond: Foundations in Early Childhood Education. 6th ed. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Learning, 2004. 524-44. Print.
Ann Gordon has been involved in early childhood education for over 40 years. She now is involved in early childhood curriculum governance and professional development. Kathryn Browne has been a teacher of young children for almost 20 years. She has worked in nursery schools, parent cooperatives, full day child care, prekindergarten and bilingual preschool, and kindergarten and first grade. The book stresses the fundamentals of early childhood education and the best approaches to educate young children in early education.

Hohmann, Mary, and David P. Weikart. Educating Young Children. Ypisilanti, MI: High/Scope Educational Research Foundation, 1995. 5-47. Print.
Mary Hohmann is a previous High/Scope preschool teacher and education consultant in the United States and all over the world. David P. Weikart is the founder and President of the High/Scope foundation. Weikart has written many books and articles on education and psychology and is a speaker on the long-term benefits of early childhood education. This book presents the importance of preschool in a child's life focusing on active learning and making the best out of your child's education.

Kirp, David L. The Sandbox Investment. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007. 3-68. Print.
David L. Kirp is a professor of Public Policy at the University of California and has written 14 books. In this book, Kirp stresses the importance of preschool education and the impact it has made on children's lives all around the world. The book shows how the power of universal preschool can drastically change children's lives for the better and the impact on society as a whole.

McGee, Lea M. Transforming Literary Practices in Preschool. New York: Scholastic Inc., 2007. Print.
Lea M. Mcgee holds the Marie Clay chair of reading recovery and early literacy. She has a strong background in practical work in schools with children and teachers. She has published 5 books. She was President and a member of the board of directors of the National Reading Conference. The book is credible for the advantages of preschool education and how it benefits their emotional and cognitive development. She focuses on directing teachers to better improve their classroom instruction so children are ready for literacy in Kindergarten.

Sher, Barbara . Self-esteem Games. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998. Print.
Barbara Sher has an extensive background in child development. She conducts workshops for parents, teachers, and students all around the world. This book focuses activites that improve children's self-esteem through learning and being around their peers and make them feel good about themselves in order to receive a high quality education.

Arnold, Renea, and Nell Colburn. "Ready, Set, Go!" School Library Journal 55.9 (2009): 24+.
Academic Search Premiere. Web. 24 Sept. 2009.
Renea Arnold is coordinator of early childhood services for the Multnomah County Library in Portland, OR. Nell Colburn is one of MCL's early childhood librarians. This article discusses what children need to know before entering Kindergarten. They especially stress the importance of reading and storytime and how reading has such a huge impact on the developmeant and "readiness for school" of children.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #13

RJA #13a- Field Research Report-I am interviewing a preschool teacher which is not completed yet but will be by Thursday 11/19. The interview questions I will be asking are as follows:
1. Q: Why did you become a preschool teacher?
A: "Because I believe that the first five years of life are the most formative."
2. Q: How did you come about your decision of being a preschool teacher over teaching grades K-12?
A: "I have always worked with younger kids so it just seemed right. And older kids talk back and start to smell bad."
3. Q: Do you find that most children are prepared for preschool? If so, how many are and how many are not?
A: "I would say about half of them are prepared. They have been around other kids/adults, spent time away from Mom, etc... But about half of them have never been away from Mom which makes those first few weeks very difficult."
4. Q:Does the readiness for preschool vary year to year?
A: "No."
5. Q:What do you think causes some kids to be ready and other kids not to be ready?
A:"Whether or not they have spent time away from their parents is the biggest factor, I think. Followed closely by whether or not they have been around other kids."
6. Q:What are the short-term and long-term benefits of preschool?
A:"I believe they are all long term: social skill development, academic and emotional development, independence, and development of a conscience."
7. Q:Do you feel there are some kids who shouldn't be in preschool? If so, why?
8. Q:Do you find, out of the classroom with your family and friends in a public setting, children who are not in preschool that you think should be in preschool? If so, why?
A:"ABSOLUTELY. Children who can't socialize with others at the park (or somewhere else), children who are unable to do the simplest tasks for themselves. All children throw tantrums, but I often find that children not in school don't realize that screaming fits are not part of the social norm."
9. Q:Do you encounter parents who are against having their children in preschool? If so, why don't they have their children in preschool?
A:"Yes because they think that only parents should"raise" their children.
10. Q:Do you encounter professionals who don't think children should be in preschool? If so, why?
A:"Not really"
11. Q:Have you encountered professionals of older children who find that there is a marked difference between those kids who have and have not been in preschool? If so, what are those differences?
A:"No, but I have never really asked anyone."
12. Q:Do you think homework is necessary for preschool children? Why or why not?
A:"No just a parent that goes over the papers with the child is sufficient enough."
13. Q:Rank in order the most important aspects of preschool. Discipline, play, social interactions, learning.
A:"Social interactions, playtime, discipline, learning."
14. Q:Are you familiar with Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences? Do you apply this theory in your classroom setting? What of the 8 intelligences do you find is the most prominent in preschool children?
A:"Yes. Kinesthetic is definitely the most important early on."
15. Q:Describe the best and worst part about being a preschool teacher.
A:"Parents are difficult. You just have to remember that you are dealing with their most prized possession. Let's face it, there a lot of pee and poop in the early years. But the best part is that you get to shape the lives of each child you teach. Even though they won't remember you, the lessons that you instill will be with them forever."
RJA #13b- Annotated Bibliography, Part 1-

  • Schiller, Pam.Seven Skills for School Success.Beltsville, MD:Gryphon House, Inc., 2009. 9-13, Print.

Pam Schiller, an expert on the early years of a child's life has written fourteen books all based on early childhood education. "Seven Skills for School Success" focuses on the seven skills, (confidence, curiosity, intentionality, self control, relating to others, communication, and cooperation) that promote child development and success and are crucial in the development of social and emotional intelligence. The author explains why these skills are important and how to achieve these skills for preschoolers such as why the seven skills matter, modeling them, and encouraging these skills.

  • McDevitt,T.M., Ormrod, J.E.(2007) Child Development and Education. Third Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Merrill/Prentice Hall.

Teresa McDevitt and Jeanne Ormrod are both psychologists who specialize in education and child development. The book focuses on promoting child development physically, academically, and socially as well as their cognitive development. They reflect on previous research based on how adults can influence the behaviors and development of children as well as what is most beneficial to the child in different circumstances.

  • Wollman, Patti, G. iVillage N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov 2009.

A preschool teacher responds to questions on the ivillage website and reflects on the importance of preschool because children between the ages of three and five are crucial in a childs development. The teacher is in a classroom environment everyday and is knowledgeable on the academic and social benefits of children and why preschool is important for child development. Preschool is a stepping stone for kindergarten and children who accomplish this early will be more prepared for kindergarten.

The Mamas Health website focuses on the benefits of preschool and uses research to enhance the opportunities preschool provides for child development. The primary goal of preschool is the development of academic and social skills, self-esteem, and building good character through the process. A preschool environment promotes these skills getting children out of the house and exposing them to different settings as well as a variety of people.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #12

RJA #12a- Progress Report
The progress I have made on my argumentative paper is I have written most of my introduction and am finishing up my formal outline to get all of my ideas straight and together and will continue to write my first draft. I still need to write the majority of my paper. I plan to do some more research this weekend and and begin to organize and write my paper in order of my ideas in my thesis. I will then focus on my conclusion and be done with my first draft by Thursday 11/17 for my presentation.

RJA #12b- Presentation Plan
In my presentation, I plan to have an introduction slide describing my topic along with background information. I also plan to have about 6 slides briefly describing my reasons for my claim along with visual aids. I plan to close my presentation with a slide concluding my topic along with my opinion and MAYBE receive some of my classmates opinions.

RJA#12c- Introduction Check
Melissa 12c
Sofia 12c

Monday, November 2, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #11

RJA #11a- Introduction
According to Deanna Swartout-Corbeil, in the Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health: Infancy through Adolescence, preschool has its own definition. Swartout-Corbeil's definition states that preschool is an education program facilitated by trained professionals where children "combine learning with play." Children attend preschool between ages three and five. The development of children and their learning abilitites is the focus of preschool. Another article on states that preschool creates a strong basis for success at an academic level, increases their social skills, and helps chilren maintain a high level of self-esteem.

Conversely, according to, parents are still the best teachers, and children don't need to go to preschool to succeed academically, develop strong social skills, and build self-esteem. Throughout the history of education in the United States, there has been much debate around the issue of whether children should be at home with their parents or attend a more formal educational program. Furthermore, as debate in the professional realm regarding this issue lingers, most parents are concerned and affected by the difficult choice of how to educate their preschool-aged children. One of the most difficult and important decisions that parents of preshcool-aged children have to make is whether or not to send their child out of the home to attend preschool. For some parents, who feel they have to work, they have no choice. It's a standard belief in America that parents have to work, but according to some authorities, the reason both parents work is because Americans are unwilling to go without.

If preschool is the best decision, based on professional advice and parents' deliberation, then is there evidence to prove that children who stay home with their parents rather than attending a preschool program are as likely to develop strong academic and social skills while building a strong self concept or self-esteem and building good character?

RJA #11b- Visual Aid

1. Chart of statistics

2.Videotapes of children learning at school and at home

3. Pictures children have drawn both at school and at home

4. Writing samples children have written both at school and at home.

5. Graph of statistics/facts.

6. Videotapes of children interacting in public settings and then interviews with those children and parents on whether they stay home or attend preschool.

RJA #11c- Thesis Statement Check-
Melissa 10a
Jonathan 10a

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #10

RJA #10a- Thesis Statement

Research Question: Should young children go to preschool or stay at home with their parents?
Claim: Children at a young age should be in preschool.
Reasons:1. Children have better social skills when in preschool and and have better ways of interacting with peers and teachers.
2.They learn the basics and are well prepared for kindergarten.
3. It allows children to have time away from parents and siblings and interact with others and have experience in the school setting.
Thesis statement: If preschool is the best decision, based on professional advice and parents' deliberation, then is there evidence to prove that children who stay home with their parents rather than attending a preschool program are as likely to develop strong academic and social skills while building a strong self concept or self esteem and building good character?

RJA #10b- Argument
Research question: Why should children attend preschool at a young age rather than staying at home with their parents?
Thesis:Children who attend preschool at a young age are more likely to succeed in school than those who stay at home with their parents.
Reason 1:Children have better social skills
Warrant: Children develop better social skills because they are interacting with many different people
Reason 2:They learn the basics and are well prepared for kindergarten
Warrant: Starting school earlier will prepare children for elementary. The earlier the better. The more they know, the better.
Reason 3: More likely to succeed.
Warrant:Interacting with others and basic knowledge will prepare children for school better than children who stay at home with their parents.

Extra Credit Zakta Guide

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #9

RJA #9-Evaluation of Sources

I believe the book "Systematic Impact of Universal Pre-Kindergarten", which I found on the Auraria Library website is credible because it was published by Early education and development and its database is in the U.S. Department of Education. Also, the author participated in a discussion with ECE program directors before the book was published. The reference article "Enter Early or Hold Out: The Kindergarten Dilemma", is credible because the author Sandra Crosser has a Ph.D and used research studies to convince the article is correct. The periodical "Ready, Set, Go"(EBSCO) is credible because the author of the article is the coordinator of early childhood services at a county library. The periodical article "Early Learning more Accepted"(EBSCO) is credible because the author is a Chief officer for early childhood education in Chicago Public Schools. Therefore, they have lots of experience and knowledge in early childhood education. The website where I found the article "Costs, Benefits, and Long-Term Effects of Early Care and Education Programs" is credible because the author is the director of the National Institute for Early education research. I searched for early childhood education on and it took me to the Department of Education website which is definitely credible for my research on early childhood education.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Internet Research Project

Icerocket is a good search engine for essentially searching for blogs as well as twitter, my space, news, images as well as the whole web itself.
The advantages to Icerocket is that it's a good search engine with a lot of credible sources including blogs and the web itself.
A weakness I have concluded from Icerocket is that when you search for a topic, millions of hits come up and it would be more accurate with a more narrow search.
Icerocket does accept the use of operators. It is not very case sensitive and will provide hits for almost any search you conduct. You may use STOP words and get results. Icerocket does have an advanced search option which is pretty useful in which you can search using words and phrases and also search for words in the title or the tag. Also in the advanced search options, you may filter your results by date range and author. There are not any limits on searches. Your results on Icerocket are sorted by date starting with the most recent. The display of your results is pretty basic and esy to understand and read. There is not a help option on Icerocket, probably because it is pretty basic and self explanatory if you have any knowledge of the internet. A special feature of Icerocket is the Big Buzz which displays all of the results by topic for everything that Icerocket searches for including, blogs, web, My Space, Twitter, News, and Images. Also, you can create an RSS feed aggregator for anything you find relevant to your topic.

Research Journal Assignment #8

RJA #8a-Websites
Search Engines
Resource searched:
Keywords: early childhood education
Date of search: October 8, 2009
Number of hits:12,000,000
Relevance: 5

Resource searched:
Keywords: preschool, education, benefits
Search strings: preschool NEAR education NEAR benefits
Date of search: October 8, 2009
Number of hits: 1,480
Relevance: 6

Meta and Multi Search Engines
Resource searched:
Keywords: preschool, education, benefits
Search strings: preschool NEAR education NEAR benefits
Date of search: October 8, 2009
Number of hits:60
Relevance: 5

Resource searched:
Keywords:preschool education
Search strings: preschool NEAR education NEAR benefits
Date of search: October 8, 2009
Number of hits: 1,704

Invisible Web Search Toools
Resource searched:
Keywords: preschool, benefits, education
Date of search: October 8, 2009
Number of hits:22,875
Relevance: 5

Other Search tools
Resource searched:
Keywords: benefits, preschool, education
Date of search: October 8, 2009
Number of hits:144

RJA #8b- Social Media
Resource searched:
Keywords used: benefits, preschool
Date of search: October 8, 2009
Number of hits:42,184
Relevance: 4

Resource searched:
Keywords: benefits, preschool, education
Date of search: October 8, 2009
Number of hits: 4,981
Relevance: 5

RJA # 8c- Multimedia
Resource searched:
keywords: benefits, preschool, education
Date of search: October 8, 2009
Number of hits: 37

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #7

RJA #7a- Internet Research Tools
The search engines I regularly use are Google, Yahoo!, and MSN. I like these search engines because they are very helpful, have a lot of information and you can find anything you are searching for. However, I do not like that there are so many options that come up for each topic you search for and I would rather narrow it down more specifically. I have always favored Google because everyone uses it and it is the search engine I was introduced to and have always used first for searching the internet.

RJA #7b- Internet Research Tool Test
Resource searched: Preschool education- Icerocket
Keywords: Preschool, education.
Date of search: October 1, 2009
Number of hits: 5,966
Relevance of hits: 3

Resource searched: Early childhood education- Icerocket
Keywords: Early child education, ECE
Date of search: October 1, 2009
Number of hits: 11,750
Relevance of hits: 4

Resource searched: preschool education- Icerocket
Keywords: Preschool, education
Search strategies: preschool education NEAR advantages
Date of search: Ocotber 1, 2009
Number of hits: 14
Relevance: 4

Resource Searched: early childhood education- Icerocket
Keywords: early childhood education
Search strategies: +early childhood education
Date of search: October 1, 2009
Number of hits: 11,750
Relevance: 4

RJA #7c- Field Research Plan
I plan to conduct an interview for my field research. I plan to interview people who have children of preschool age and who either have their children in preschool or are stay at home parents. Questions I might ask are 1. Are your children in preschool? Why or why not? 2. What age do you think children should begin school? 3. Who is the best teacher for preschool aged children? 4. Are children who go to preschool more social?, more well behaved?, more intelligent? Why? 5. Have your children always been in daycare or been at home with a family member or a parent? I am not quite sure when exactly I plan to conduct my field research.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #6

RJA #6a- Periodical Articles
Author:Barbara Bowman
Title: Early Learning More Accepted
Source:Phi Delta Kappan
Volume 91, Issue 1
September 24, 2009
Pg. 19-19
Resource searched: Academic Search Premiere
Keywords: Early childhood education
Number of hits: 5663

Author: Renea Arnold, Nell Clolburn
Title: Ready, Set, Go!
Source: School Library Journal
Volume 55, Issue 9
September 24, 2009
Pg. 24-24
Resource searched: Academic Search Premiere
Keywords: Early childhood education
Number of hits: 5663
Relevance: 7

RJA #6b- Search Strings
preschool OR homeschool
benefits NEAR preschool

RJA #6c- Protopage

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #5

RJA #5a- Finding Reference Articles
Author: Sandra Crosser
Title: Enter Early or Hold out: The Kindergarten Age Dilemma
Web address:
Access Date: September 17, 2009
Resource: Articles, Google
Keywords: education
Number of hits: 13
Relevance: 3

Author:Kathreen Francis
Title: Lets Look at Preschool Options
Web Address:
Access Date: September 17, 2009
Resource: Articles, Google
Keywords: education, preschool, kindergarten
Number of hits: 323
Relevance: 4

Author: Gerald W. Bracey
Title: Preschool Education: Complications All Over
Keywords: preschool education
Resource: Article

Author: Andrew J. Mashburn, Robert C. Pianta, Bridget K. Hamre, Jason T. Downer, Oscar A. Barbarin, Donna Bryant, Margaret Burchinal, Diane M. Early, Carollee Howes
Title: Measure of Classroom Quality in Prekindergarten and Children's Development of Academic, Language, and Social Skills
Keywords: preschool education
Resource searched: auraria library
Published: May/June 2008
Child Development-Volume 79, Number 3, Pages 732-749

RJA #5b- Finding Books
Author: Peggy L. Apple
Title:Systematic Impact of Universal Pre-Kindergarten
Publication: Philadelphia, PA
Publisher name: Lawrence Erlbaum
Publication date: November 2007
Resource searched: Auraria Library
Keywords: Advantages, preschool, education
Search date: September 21, 2009
Number of hits: 105
Relevance: 5

Author: Sue rogers, Janet Rose
Title: Ready for Reception? The Advantages and Disadvantages of Single-Point Entry to School
Place of Publication: Philadelphia, PA
Publisher name: Routledge
Date of Publication: March 2007
Resource searched: Auraria Library
Keywords: Advantages, preschool, education
Search date: September 21, 2009
Number of hits: 105
Relevance: 5

Author: Barbara T Bowman, Suzanne Donovan, M Susan Burns,
Title: Eagar to Learn: Educating our Preschoolers
Place of Publication: Washington DC
Name of Publisher: National Academy Press
Date of Publication: 2001
Resource searched: Auraria Library
Keywords: preschool, education
Search date: September 21, 2009
Number of hits:93,786

Author: Rebecca Staples
Title: Early Childhood Education: an international encyclopedia
Place of publication: Westport, Connecticut
Name of Publisher: Praeger Publishers
Date of publication: 2007
Resource searched: Auraria Library
Keywords: Early Childhood Education
Date of Search: September 21, 2009
Number of Hits: 77,585
Relevance of hits: 5

RJA #5c- Checking Search Strings

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #4

RJA #4a- Generating Keywords
Why should children attend preschool?
FOrms (children)- child
FOrms (preschool)- school
RElated terms (children)- kid(s), youth, toddler(s)
RElated terms (preschool)- daycare, kindergarten,
Synonymous Terms- (preschool) prep school, academy, nursery school, pre kindergarten, playschool, early childhood education, toddler school, child care school
Ladder Of Genaralization- education, child education, early childhood education, school, primary school, kindergarten, pre kindergarten (preschool)

RJA #4b- Writing Search Strings
preschool NOT daycare
Preschool AND homeschool
children NEAR preschool
children NEAR attend NEAR preschool

RJA #4c- Checking Research Questions

Monday, September 7, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #3

RJA #3a- Exploring Research Topic

There are many advantages and disadvantages to children going to preschool. One advantage of going to preschool is it teaches children how to interact with their peers as well as with their elders. It teaches children to share with others and listening skills. Teachers who have had kids that have not been in preschool have observed that children who have always stayed home with parents have social issues which tend to disrupt class. They have trouble paying attention, talk when they are not supposed to, and expect to be the center of attention because that is the way it is at home. One disadvantage of children going to preschool is it can be extremely costly. Also, there are so many children in the classroom that the children don't get the one-on-one attention they need to succeed. Children are more likely to get sick because illnesses can be spread around very often from child to child. Children also do not get to spend a lot of time with their parents because they are in school all day and then they come home eat supper, and go to bed.

RJA #3b- Narrowing Research Topic-

My topic is should children go to preschool or should they stay at home with their parents until they start Kindergarten. This topic could be narrowed by becoming more familiar with the methods of preschoolers learning and the importance of either a teacher or a parent teaching them. Also learning the most important milestones in a childs early stages of development and focus on the most essential methods to teaching children.

RJA #3c- Developing Research Question-

1. Who should teach preschoolers, parents or teachers?, What are the best methods of teaching preschoolers?, When should children begin school?, Where do children learn the most efficiently?, How do children learn?, Why should children stay at home rather than going to preschool?, Should children go to preschool?, Would children learn more efficiently from staying at home with parents?
2. My goal in writing this paper is to learn more about my topic as well as share information on my topic with others, preferrably people with children. I am comparing and contrasting children going to preschool and staying home with their parents. I am trying to identify in my research what is in the best interst of the children, going to preschool or staying at home with parents.
3. I am specifically writing to parents of children of preschool age who are debating whether to put their child in preschool or stay at home with them. This issue goes across every parents mind at this stage in their childs life. My purpose in writing is to explore what is in the best interest of the child.
4. Why should children stay at home rather than going to preschool?, Should children go to preschool?
5. Why should children attend preschool?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #2- Research Topic

RJA #2A- Possible Topics

  • Should children go to preschool or be homeschooled and wait until Kindergarten?

  • Should children go to daycare or stay at home with parents?

  • Is Ritalin good or bad for school aged children?

RJA #2B- Research Topic

The topic I chose to write about for the argumentative paper is whether children should be in daycare when they are young or if they should stay at home with their parents. I am extremely interested in this topic because I have a four year old son who has always stayed home with me. All the women in my family including my grandmothers, my mom and aunts have always stayed home with their children so I followed in their footsteps so to speak. My son will be starting preschool this year which is going to be hard for me seeing as he has never been away from me. Other parents, however, have been away from their children since birth and I want to research what is in the best interest for the child.

I am a strong believer in staying home with your children when they are young rather than sending them to daycare. Sending your children to daycare is basically having someone else raise your children. I believe kids who are at home are less aggressive and more attentive. In a daycare, there are so many small children who need so much attention which can lead to behavioral problems and an inability for the children to learn. The first years of a child's life are crucial in the childs development and how they learn for the rest of their lives. I believe that parents can influence and change a childs life significantly for the better. Daycares can not provide the love and support to the children that they depend on to learn more efficiently.

Being a stay-at-home mother, I want to step outside my beliefs and discover what is truly better for children in the long run. What effects does daycare have on childrens development and how they learn? Are they more efficient learners? Are they more socially developed? I am looking forward to becoming more knowledgeable on the topic from both sides of the spectrum and gaining a clear idea in what best fits the needs of children. Writing this argumentative paper will enable me to learn so much about this topic, as well as being a mom, and which method of childcare is the most efficient way for helping children develop and learn.

RJA #2C- Delicious

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Research Journal #1- Areas of Academic Interest

Academic Interest Areas:
  • Elementary Education
  • Child Psychology
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Child Development
  • Creative Writing
  • Childrens Literature

I plan to become an elementary school teacher and am very interested in becoming familiar with children and how they think and function. I also have a four year old son which enhances my curiosity with children. I love kids and want to learn as much as I can about how they think and learn.