Thursday, September 10, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #4

RJA #4a- Generating Keywords
Why should children attend preschool?
FOrms (children)- child
FOrms (preschool)- school
RElated terms (children)- kid(s), youth, toddler(s)
RElated terms (preschool)- daycare, kindergarten,
Synonymous Terms- (preschool) prep school, academy, nursery school, pre kindergarten, playschool, early childhood education, toddler school, child care school
Ladder Of Genaralization- education, child education, early childhood education, school, primary school, kindergarten, pre kindergarten (preschool)

RJA #4b- Writing Search Strings
preschool NOT daycare
Preschool AND homeschool
children NEAR preschool
children NEAR attend NEAR preschool

RJA #4c- Checking Research Questions


  1. Hi Alexandria, I think your search string is right on. It seems like you will be able to find plenty of information on your topic.

  2. You have to add more to your search strings or just put them together. Like +preschool+education+homeschool or something like that. You have to boolean way down though.

  3. Search string worked perfectly! -Chris

  4. I think another great search string you could use is preschool OR homeschool.

  5. Looks good. Maybe you could add something about the word "benefit". :) Good luck!

  6. your search strings seem spot on. good luck with the research!

  7. Hey good work with all of your search strings...all seem to return alot of good information that is helping you hopefully. I do agree with Liani though, try and piece together more search strings to narrow down your search. Best of luck to you!!! -Nick
