Thursday, September 17, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #5

RJA #5a- Finding Reference Articles
Author: Sandra Crosser
Title: Enter Early or Hold out: The Kindergarten Age Dilemma
Web address:
Access Date: September 17, 2009
Resource: Articles, Google
Keywords: education
Number of hits: 13
Relevance: 3

Author:Kathreen Francis
Title: Lets Look at Preschool Options
Web Address:
Access Date: September 17, 2009
Resource: Articles, Google
Keywords: education, preschool, kindergarten
Number of hits: 323
Relevance: 4

Author: Gerald W. Bracey
Title: Preschool Education: Complications All Over
Keywords: preschool education
Resource: Article

Author: Andrew J. Mashburn, Robert C. Pianta, Bridget K. Hamre, Jason T. Downer, Oscar A. Barbarin, Donna Bryant, Margaret Burchinal, Diane M. Early, Carollee Howes
Title: Measure of Classroom Quality in Prekindergarten and Children's Development of Academic, Language, and Social Skills
Keywords: preschool education
Resource searched: auraria library
Published: May/June 2008
Child Development-Volume 79, Number 3, Pages 732-749

RJA #5b- Finding Books
Author: Peggy L. Apple
Title:Systematic Impact of Universal Pre-Kindergarten
Publication: Philadelphia, PA
Publisher name: Lawrence Erlbaum
Publication date: November 2007
Resource searched: Auraria Library
Keywords: Advantages, preschool, education
Search date: September 21, 2009
Number of hits: 105
Relevance: 5

Author: Sue rogers, Janet Rose
Title: Ready for Reception? The Advantages and Disadvantages of Single-Point Entry to School
Place of Publication: Philadelphia, PA
Publisher name: Routledge
Date of Publication: March 2007
Resource searched: Auraria Library
Keywords: Advantages, preschool, education
Search date: September 21, 2009
Number of hits: 105
Relevance: 5

Author: Barbara T Bowman, Suzanne Donovan, M Susan Burns,
Title: Eagar to Learn: Educating our Preschoolers
Place of Publication: Washington DC
Name of Publisher: National Academy Press
Date of Publication: 2001
Resource searched: Auraria Library
Keywords: preschool, education
Search date: September 21, 2009
Number of hits:93,786

Author: Rebecca Staples
Title: Early Childhood Education: an international encyclopedia
Place of publication: Westport, Connecticut
Name of Publisher: Praeger Publishers
Date of publication: 2007
Resource searched: Auraria Library
Keywords: Early Childhood Education
Date of Search: September 21, 2009
Number of Hits: 77,585
Relevance of hits: 5

RJA #5c- Checking Search Strings

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