Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #14- Annotated Bibliogrpahy, Part 2

Annotated Bibliography

Schiller, Pam.Seven Skills for School Success.Beltsville, MD:Gryphon House, Inc., 2009. 9-13, Print.
Pam Schiller, an expert on the early years of a child's life has written fourteen books all based on early childhood education. "Seven Skills for School Success" focuses on the seven skills, (confidence, curiosity, intentionality, self control, relating to others, communication, and cooperation) that promote child development and success and are crucial in the development of social and emotional intelligence. The author explains why these skills are important and how to achieve these skills for preschoolers such as why the seven skills matter, modeling them, and encouraging these skills.

McDevitt,T.M., Ormrod, J.E.(2007) Child Development and Education. Third Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Merrill/Prentice Hall.
Teresa McDevitt and Jeanne Ormrod are both psychologists who specialize in education and child development. The book focuses on promoting child development physically, academically, and socially as well as their cognitive development. They reflect on previous research based on how adults can influence the behaviors and development of children as well as what is most beneficial to the child in different circumstances.

Mamas Health. N.p., 2009. Web. 11 Nov 2009.
The Mamas Health website focuses on the benefits of preschool and uses research to enhance the opportunities preschool provides for child development. The primary goal of preschool is the development of academic and social skills, self-esteem, and building good character through the process. A preschool environment promotes these skills getting children out of the house and exposing them to different settings as well as a variety of people

Backer, Barbara . The Giant Encyclopedia of Preschool Activities for Four-Year-Olds. Beltsville,
MD: Gryphon House, 2004. 15. Print.
Barbara Backer is an early childhood consultant and taught preschool for 20 years. She has written for preschool teahers and parents of preschool children for the past 20 years. She has written 12 books. This encyclopedia has different activities for four year olds and why these activites help to shape the lives and education of young children.

Bowman, Barbara . "Early Learning More Accepted." Phi Delta Kappan 91.1 (2009): 1+. Academic Search Premiere. Web. 24 Sept. 2009.
Barbara Bowman is the chief officer of early childhood education for Chicago Public Schools. Bowman focuses on the expansion of universal preschool education in the last ten years and what factors contributed to the increase. She attributes to the reasons why preschool has expanded and the rising approval rating.

Dodge, Diane T., and Toni S. Bickart. Preschool for Parents. Washington: Teaching Strategies, 1998. 1-134. Print.
Diane T. Dodge has been in the early childhood education field for 35 years and has written over 20 books. She has a masters degree in early childhood education. Toni Bickart is a teacher and mento and holds workshops around the country for teachers and parents. The book focuses on the important aspects of preschool and what parents need to know about sending their children to preschool. The book also stresses the importance for parents to choose the best quality preschool where their children will receive the best education.

Gordon, Ann M., and Kathryn W. Browne. Beginnings and Beyond: Foundations in Early Childhood Education. 6th ed. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Learning, 2004. 524-44. Print.
Ann Gordon has been involved in early childhood education for over 40 years. She now is involved in early childhood curriculum governance and professional development. Kathryn Browne has been a teacher of young children for almost 20 years. She has worked in nursery schools, parent cooperatives, full day child care, prekindergarten and bilingual preschool, and kindergarten and first grade. The book stresses the fundamentals of early childhood education and the best approaches to educate young children in early education.

Hohmann, Mary, and David P. Weikart. Educating Young Children. Ypisilanti, MI: High/Scope Educational Research Foundation, 1995. 5-47. Print.
Mary Hohmann is a previous High/Scope preschool teacher and education consultant in the United States and all over the world. David P. Weikart is the founder and President of the High/Scope foundation. Weikart has written many books and articles on education and psychology and is a speaker on the long-term benefits of early childhood education. This book presents the importance of preschool in a child's life focusing on active learning and making the best out of your child's education.

Kirp, David L. The Sandbox Investment. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007. 3-68. Print.
David L. Kirp is a professor of Public Policy at the University of California and has written 14 books. In this book, Kirp stresses the importance of preschool education and the impact it has made on children's lives all around the world. The book shows how the power of universal preschool can drastically change children's lives for the better and the impact on society as a whole.

McGee, Lea M. Transforming Literary Practices in Preschool. New York: Scholastic Inc., 2007. Print.
Lea M. Mcgee holds the Marie Clay chair of reading recovery and early literacy. She has a strong background in practical work in schools with children and teachers. She has published 5 books. She was President and a member of the board of directors of the National Reading Conference. The book is credible for the advantages of preschool education and how it benefits their emotional and cognitive development. She focuses on directing teachers to better improve their classroom instruction so children are ready for literacy in Kindergarten.

Sher, Barbara . Self-esteem Games. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998. Print.
Barbara Sher has an extensive background in child development. She conducts workshops for parents, teachers, and students all around the world. This book focuses activites that improve children's self-esteem through learning and being around their peers and make them feel good about themselves in order to receive a high quality education.

Arnold, Renea, and Nell Colburn. "Ready, Set, Go!" School Library Journal 55.9 (2009): 24+.
Academic Search Premiere. Web. 24 Sept. 2009.
Renea Arnold is coordinator of early childhood services for the Multnomah County Library in Portland, OR. Nell Colburn is one of MCL's early childhood librarians. This article discusses what children need to know before entering Kindergarten. They especially stress the importance of reading and storytime and how reading has such a huge impact on the developmeant and "readiness for school" of children.

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