Monday, November 2, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #11

RJA #11a- Introduction
According to Deanna Swartout-Corbeil, in the Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health: Infancy through Adolescence, preschool has its own definition. Swartout-Corbeil's definition states that preschool is an education program facilitated by trained professionals where children "combine learning with play." Children attend preschool between ages three and five. The development of children and their learning abilitites is the focus of preschool. Another article on states that preschool creates a strong basis for success at an academic level, increases their social skills, and helps chilren maintain a high level of self-esteem.

Conversely, according to, parents are still the best teachers, and children don't need to go to preschool to succeed academically, develop strong social skills, and build self-esteem. Throughout the history of education in the United States, there has been much debate around the issue of whether children should be at home with their parents or attend a more formal educational program. Furthermore, as debate in the professional realm regarding this issue lingers, most parents are concerned and affected by the difficult choice of how to educate their preschool-aged children. One of the most difficult and important decisions that parents of preshcool-aged children have to make is whether or not to send their child out of the home to attend preschool. For some parents, who feel they have to work, they have no choice. It's a standard belief in America that parents have to work, but according to some authorities, the reason both parents work is because Americans are unwilling to go without.

If preschool is the best decision, based on professional advice and parents' deliberation, then is there evidence to prove that children who stay home with their parents rather than attending a preschool program are as likely to develop strong academic and social skills while building a strong self concept or self-esteem and building good character?

RJA #11b- Visual Aid

1. Chart of statistics

2.Videotapes of children learning at school and at home

3. Pictures children have drawn both at school and at home

4. Writing samples children have written both at school and at home.

5. Graph of statistics/facts.

6. Videotapes of children interacting in public settings and then interviews with those children and parents on whether they stay home or attend preschool.

RJA #11c- Thesis Statement Check-
Melissa 10a
Jonathan 10a

1 comment:

  1. Great intro it sounds good, its a little long though. I would shorten it and make it into one paragraph
