Thursday, November 5, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #12

RJA #12a- Progress Report
The progress I have made on my argumentative paper is I have written most of my introduction and am finishing up my formal outline to get all of my ideas straight and together and will continue to write my first draft. I still need to write the majority of my paper. I plan to do some more research this weekend and and begin to organize and write my paper in order of my ideas in my thesis. I will then focus on my conclusion and be done with my first draft by Thursday 11/17 for my presentation.

RJA #12b- Presentation Plan
In my presentation, I plan to have an introduction slide describing my topic along with background information. I also plan to have about 6 slides briefly describing my reasons for my claim along with visual aids. I plan to close my presentation with a slide concluding my topic along with my opinion and MAYBE receive some of my classmates opinions.

RJA#12c- Introduction Check
Melissa 12c
Sofia 12c

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