Thursday, October 1, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #7

RJA #7a- Internet Research Tools
The search engines I regularly use are Google, Yahoo!, and MSN. I like these search engines because they are very helpful, have a lot of information and you can find anything you are searching for. However, I do not like that there are so many options that come up for each topic you search for and I would rather narrow it down more specifically. I have always favored Google because everyone uses it and it is the search engine I was introduced to and have always used first for searching the internet.

RJA #7b- Internet Research Tool Test
Resource searched: Preschool education- Icerocket
Keywords: Preschool, education.
Date of search: October 1, 2009
Number of hits: 5,966
Relevance of hits: 3

Resource searched: Early childhood education- Icerocket
Keywords: Early child education, ECE
Date of search: October 1, 2009
Number of hits: 11,750
Relevance of hits: 4

Resource searched: preschool education- Icerocket
Keywords: Preschool, education
Search strategies: preschool education NEAR advantages
Date of search: Ocotber 1, 2009
Number of hits: 14
Relevance: 4

Resource Searched: early childhood education- Icerocket
Keywords: early childhood education
Search strategies: +early childhood education
Date of search: October 1, 2009
Number of hits: 11,750
Relevance: 4

RJA #7c- Field Research Plan
I plan to conduct an interview for my field research. I plan to interview people who have children of preschool age and who either have their children in preschool or are stay at home parents. Questions I might ask are 1. Are your children in preschool? Why or why not? 2. What age do you think children should begin school? 3. Who is the best teacher for preschool aged children? 4. Are children who go to preschool more social?, more well behaved?, more intelligent? Why? 5. Have your children always been in daycare or been at home with a family member or a parent? I am not quite sure when exactly I plan to conduct my field research.

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