Thursday, October 8, 2009

Internet Research Project

Icerocket is a good search engine for essentially searching for blogs as well as twitter, my space, news, images as well as the whole web itself.
The advantages to Icerocket is that it's a good search engine with a lot of credible sources including blogs and the web itself.
A weakness I have concluded from Icerocket is that when you search for a topic, millions of hits come up and it would be more accurate with a more narrow search.
Icerocket does accept the use of operators. It is not very case sensitive and will provide hits for almost any search you conduct. You may use STOP words and get results. Icerocket does have an advanced search option which is pretty useful in which you can search using words and phrases and also search for words in the title or the tag. Also in the advanced search options, you may filter your results by date range and author. There are not any limits on searches. Your results on Icerocket are sorted by date starting with the most recent. The display of your results is pretty basic and esy to understand and read. There is not a help option on Icerocket, probably because it is pretty basic and self explanatory if you have any knowledge of the internet. A special feature of Icerocket is the Big Buzz which displays all of the results by topic for everything that Icerocket searches for including, blogs, web, My Space, Twitter, News, and Images. Also, you can create an RSS feed aggregator for anything you find relevant to your topic.

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