Friday, August 28, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #2- Research Topic

RJA #2A- Possible Topics

  • Should children go to preschool or be homeschooled and wait until Kindergarten?

  • Should children go to daycare or stay at home with parents?

  • Is Ritalin good or bad for school aged children?

RJA #2B- Research Topic

The topic I chose to write about for the argumentative paper is whether children should be in daycare when they are young or if they should stay at home with their parents. I am extremely interested in this topic because I have a four year old son who has always stayed home with me. All the women in my family including my grandmothers, my mom and aunts have always stayed home with their children so I followed in their footsteps so to speak. My son will be starting preschool this year which is going to be hard for me seeing as he has never been away from me. Other parents, however, have been away from their children since birth and I want to research what is in the best interest for the child.

I am a strong believer in staying home with your children when they are young rather than sending them to daycare. Sending your children to daycare is basically having someone else raise your children. I believe kids who are at home are less aggressive and more attentive. In a daycare, there are so many small children who need so much attention which can lead to behavioral problems and an inability for the children to learn. The first years of a child's life are crucial in the childs development and how they learn for the rest of their lives. I believe that parents can influence and change a childs life significantly for the better. Daycares can not provide the love and support to the children that they depend on to learn more efficiently.

Being a stay-at-home mother, I want to step outside my beliefs and discover what is truly better for children in the long run. What effects does daycare have on childrens development and how they learn? Are they more efficient learners? Are they more socially developed? I am looking forward to becoming more knowledgeable on the topic from both sides of the spectrum and gaining a clear idea in what best fits the needs of children. Writing this argumentative paper will enable me to learn so much about this topic, as well as being a mom, and which method of childcare is the most efficient way for helping children develop and learn.

RJA #2C- Delicious

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