Thursday, September 24, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #6

RJA #6a- Periodical Articles
Author:Barbara Bowman
Title: Early Learning More Accepted
Source:Phi Delta Kappan
Volume 91, Issue 1
September 24, 2009
Pg. 19-19
Resource searched: Academic Search Premiere
Keywords: Early childhood education
Number of hits: 5663

Author: Renea Arnold, Nell Clolburn
Title: Ready, Set, Go!
Source: School Library Journal
Volume 55, Issue 9
September 24, 2009
Pg. 24-24
Resource searched: Academic Search Premiere
Keywords: Early childhood education
Number of hits: 5663
Relevance: 7

RJA #6b- Search Strings
preschool OR homeschool
benefits NEAR preschool

RJA #6c- Protopage

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #5

RJA #5a- Finding Reference Articles
Author: Sandra Crosser
Title: Enter Early or Hold out: The Kindergarten Age Dilemma
Web address:
Access Date: September 17, 2009
Resource: Articles, Google
Keywords: education
Number of hits: 13
Relevance: 3

Author:Kathreen Francis
Title: Lets Look at Preschool Options
Web Address:
Access Date: September 17, 2009
Resource: Articles, Google
Keywords: education, preschool, kindergarten
Number of hits: 323
Relevance: 4

Author: Gerald W. Bracey
Title: Preschool Education: Complications All Over
Keywords: preschool education
Resource: Article

Author: Andrew J. Mashburn, Robert C. Pianta, Bridget K. Hamre, Jason T. Downer, Oscar A. Barbarin, Donna Bryant, Margaret Burchinal, Diane M. Early, Carollee Howes
Title: Measure of Classroom Quality in Prekindergarten and Children's Development of Academic, Language, and Social Skills
Keywords: preschool education
Resource searched: auraria library
Published: May/June 2008
Child Development-Volume 79, Number 3, Pages 732-749

RJA #5b- Finding Books
Author: Peggy L. Apple
Title:Systematic Impact of Universal Pre-Kindergarten
Publication: Philadelphia, PA
Publisher name: Lawrence Erlbaum
Publication date: November 2007
Resource searched: Auraria Library
Keywords: Advantages, preschool, education
Search date: September 21, 2009
Number of hits: 105
Relevance: 5

Author: Sue rogers, Janet Rose
Title: Ready for Reception? The Advantages and Disadvantages of Single-Point Entry to School
Place of Publication: Philadelphia, PA
Publisher name: Routledge
Date of Publication: March 2007
Resource searched: Auraria Library
Keywords: Advantages, preschool, education
Search date: September 21, 2009
Number of hits: 105
Relevance: 5

Author: Barbara T Bowman, Suzanne Donovan, M Susan Burns,
Title: Eagar to Learn: Educating our Preschoolers
Place of Publication: Washington DC
Name of Publisher: National Academy Press
Date of Publication: 2001
Resource searched: Auraria Library
Keywords: preschool, education
Search date: September 21, 2009
Number of hits:93,786

Author: Rebecca Staples
Title: Early Childhood Education: an international encyclopedia
Place of publication: Westport, Connecticut
Name of Publisher: Praeger Publishers
Date of publication: 2007
Resource searched: Auraria Library
Keywords: Early Childhood Education
Date of Search: September 21, 2009
Number of Hits: 77,585
Relevance of hits: 5

RJA #5c- Checking Search Strings

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #4

RJA #4a- Generating Keywords
Why should children attend preschool?
FOrms (children)- child
FOrms (preschool)- school
RElated terms (children)- kid(s), youth, toddler(s)
RElated terms (preschool)- daycare, kindergarten,
Synonymous Terms- (preschool) prep school, academy, nursery school, pre kindergarten, playschool, early childhood education, toddler school, child care school
Ladder Of Genaralization- education, child education, early childhood education, school, primary school, kindergarten, pre kindergarten (preschool)

RJA #4b- Writing Search Strings
preschool NOT daycare
Preschool AND homeschool
children NEAR preschool
children NEAR attend NEAR preschool

RJA #4c- Checking Research Questions

Monday, September 7, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #3

RJA #3a- Exploring Research Topic

There are many advantages and disadvantages to children going to preschool. One advantage of going to preschool is it teaches children how to interact with their peers as well as with their elders. It teaches children to share with others and listening skills. Teachers who have had kids that have not been in preschool have observed that children who have always stayed home with parents have social issues which tend to disrupt class. They have trouble paying attention, talk when they are not supposed to, and expect to be the center of attention because that is the way it is at home. One disadvantage of children going to preschool is it can be extremely costly. Also, there are so many children in the classroom that the children don't get the one-on-one attention they need to succeed. Children are more likely to get sick because illnesses can be spread around very often from child to child. Children also do not get to spend a lot of time with their parents because they are in school all day and then they come home eat supper, and go to bed.

RJA #3b- Narrowing Research Topic-

My topic is should children go to preschool or should they stay at home with their parents until they start Kindergarten. This topic could be narrowed by becoming more familiar with the methods of preschoolers learning and the importance of either a teacher or a parent teaching them. Also learning the most important milestones in a childs early stages of development and focus on the most essential methods to teaching children.

RJA #3c- Developing Research Question-

1. Who should teach preschoolers, parents or teachers?, What are the best methods of teaching preschoolers?, When should children begin school?, Where do children learn the most efficiently?, How do children learn?, Why should children stay at home rather than going to preschool?, Should children go to preschool?, Would children learn more efficiently from staying at home with parents?
2. My goal in writing this paper is to learn more about my topic as well as share information on my topic with others, preferrably people with children. I am comparing and contrasting children going to preschool and staying home with their parents. I am trying to identify in my research what is in the best interst of the children, going to preschool or staying at home with parents.
3. I am specifically writing to parents of children of preschool age who are debating whether to put their child in preschool or stay at home with them. This issue goes across every parents mind at this stage in their childs life. My purpose in writing is to explore what is in the best interest of the child.
4. Why should children stay at home rather than going to preschool?, Should children go to preschool?
5. Why should children attend preschool?